Peckham Literary Festival 2015

After a brief hiatus in 2014 the Peckham Literary Festival is now back with 4 days of brilliant readings, performance and discussion. We do hope you'll join us and ticket can be booked throught the links below.

Evie Wyld - Reading 

Tuesday 10th November, 19:00 @ Review Bookshop

Resident Genius and all round wonderful person, Evie Wyld will be giving a reading of a new short story - Behind the Mountain. Evie's first novel, After the Fire, a Still Small Voice won the John llewellyn Rhys prize in 2009. Her second novel, All The Birds, Singing, won the Miles Franklin. Her graphic memoir, Everything is Teeth is out now, and it's brilliant. 

Book Tickets

Alice Stevenson - Walk

Wednesday 11th November, 19:00 Starting @ Review Bookshop 

Alice Stevenson Will be taking you on an unexpected tour through the streets of Peckham.

'Many of us consciously choose walking as a mode of transport and a way to think. Deliberate, mindful walking is how Alice navigates London and survies it's challanges. In Ways to Walk In London she writes about and illustrates those moments of beauty and urbanity, contemplation and revelation. Her unique eye finds hidden doorways, decorated arches and meaningful manhole covers across the city'

Book Tickets

Well Versed - Poetry Reading 

Thursday 12th November, 19:30 @ Review Bookshop

Join us for a night of poetry from Peckhams' finest. Curated by The Morning Star, you'll hear from Caleb Oluwafemi, Clare Pollard, AK Blakemore, Amy Key, Bobby Parker, Inua Ellams, Alex Bell, Chris McCabe and Niall O'Sullivan. The wonderful Tangerine Press have also curated a super limited edition mini book for the first people to book tickets featuring all of the poets, so get in line as soon as you can. 

Book tickets

Print is Dead. Long Live Print - Discussion

Friday 13th November @19:30 @Review Bookshop

Join Ruth Jamieson author of Print is Dead and Steven Watson, founder of Stack Magazines for an evening of exploration into the explosion of independent, creatively led magazines that are currently shaping the future of print journalism.

Book Tickets