Peckham Literary Festival 2016 8th - 13th November

The Good Immigrant - Tuesday 8th

Nikesh Shukla, the award winning author of Coconut Unlimited and Meatspace, has recently been nominated for a Liberty Human Rights Award for his work on bringing this timely and important collection of essays into being. The Good Immigrant discusses issues such as casteism, colourism, misappropriation and the word namaste. 

With Readings from writer and actor Vera Chok, Varaidzo, the Arts and Culture editor at Gal-Dem magazine, Daniel York Loh, a scriptwriter, director and actor who has recently won the Pitch Perfect award to develop his musical Sinking Water and Darren Chetty, a writer and hip hop educator based in East London, this will be an evening of examnation into the lives of immigrants and children of immigrants in the U.K today.

Ticket cost £5 and include a glass of wine and £4 off a copy of The Good Immigrant on the night. 

Book Tickets Here

Lucy Inglis & Lydia Syson - Wednesday 9th

Join Lucy Inglis and Lydia Syson for an evening of readings and discussion at Review Bookshop.

Historian Lucy Inglis is the author of two young adult novels. Her debut, City of Halves, and her latest, Crow Mountain which tells the story of two English girls whose stories, although they live a hundred years apart, are connected in ways they could never imagine.

Lydia is the author of three Historical YA novels. A World Between Us, Burning Summer and Liberty's Fire which is set during the Paris Commune of 1871. It tells the story of four young people and their lives during the revolutionary 72 days.

Tickets are free for under 18's but must be booked in advance


Book Tickets Here


Dave Hutchinson and Chris Jackson - Friday 11th

As we slide inexoribly into our own fractured dystopian hellscape, Sci Fi writer Dave Hutchinson will be a reading from Europe in Winter, the third in his Fractured Europe sequence. Described as Kafka meets La Carre, the series has been a favourite at Review since the first came out in 2014. 

We'll also have local author Chris Jackson talking about his new book, The Fragile Democracy, an exploration of the current U.S Presidential Race, Brexit and democracy in the ancient world. 

Tickets cost £5 and include a glass of wine and £4 off purchases on the night

Book Tickets Here

Sarah Ladipo Manyika Signing - Saturday 12th 

Two things to be happy about;

Thing one - Sarah Ladipo Manyika's novel "Like a Mule Bringing Ice Cream to the Sun" has been shortlisted for the Goldmsiths Prize.

Thing 2 - This means she'll actually be in the country and you can meet her! She'll be in the shop from 3 o'clock signing books and being brilliant.


Max Porter, Mark Blacklock and Licky Grit - Sunday 13th

Well this is amazing. 

Join us for an evening of readings and performances to close the 2016 Peckham Lit Fest.

Max Porter won the 2016 Dylan Thomas Prize for his debut novella Grief is The Thing With Feathers where a grieving father and his two sons are visited by Crow - antagonist, trickster, healer, babysitter. This sentimental bird is drawn to the grieving family and threatens to stay until they no longer need him.

"It stunned me, full of beauty, hilarity and thick black darkness" - Evie Wyld

Mark Blacklock lectures in Modern and Contemporary English at Birkbeck University. His first novel, I'm Jack, an intelligent and disturbing slice of noir about the Yorkshire Ripper hoaxer, was published by Granta in June 2015, and is currently being made into a feature film. 

Spare. Swift. Smart. And dangerous. Carrying us through maps of shame to rescue a convincing fiction of the past from its sullen entropy' -  Iain Sinclair

Licky Grit will be rounding off the night, digging into neglected musics of the american folk tradition. Expect booze, turn of the century expletives  and poorly rehearsed interludes. Licky Grit features Jamie Coleman (banjo), David Gunn (resonator), Guy Morgan (mandolin) and Lucinda Perkoff (washboard).

Book Tickets Here